New Patients at Phoenix Chiropractic

Your Initial Appointment: What to Expect
Your first visit with us will be all about getting to know you and better understanding your condition.
During this time, Dr. Michael will review your health history, listen to your concerns and wellness goals, and complete a non-invasive examination. He will then consider all information and findings to suggest a plan of care that is right for you. If appropriate, Dr. Michael will adjust you at the conclusion of your appointment.
Please set aside 30 minutes for your first visit.
Your Follow-up Appointment
Your second visit with us will be no longer than 20 minutes from start to finish.
At this time, Dr. Michael will touch on the findings from your assessment and be sure he clearly understands what you hope to get out of chiropractic care. He will then deliver your second chiropractic adjustment and let you know what to expect regarding frequency, duration, and cost of ongoing care.
Ongoing Visits: Quick and Simple
We understand your busy schedule. To keep our process simple, all ongoing visits, regardless of frequency, will require no more than 10 minutes of your time—outside of extenuating circumstances. You come in and give us a progress report, then we adjust you and send you on your way.
Isn’t It Time to Optimize Your Health?
You don’t have to settle for pain or sickness. You deserve to enjoy vibrant health. Contact us today to make an appointment today!